Sedating your child

Your child's safety is our primary concern during their treatment
Prechordial Stethoscope pictured above on the child's neck allows our staff to hear your child's breaths
We will also monitor your child's oxygen and carbon dioxide levels during the sedation.
1. Most children can be treated without sedation.
- being afraid is not a reason to sedate a child, it is a reason to take things slow and be patient
- sedation is for the benefit of your child. Although parents may be apprehensive about dental care, this does not imply that one's child will share the same fear(s)
2. Because of my experience of working with children for over 14 yrs I am highly skilled at assessing a child's behaviour. Nevertheless, I will always try to treat a child without sedation if requested to do so. Although parents often know what is best for their child, there are times in which treatment without sedation is not possible.
3. If your child has received sedation in the past for his/her dental care, it is possible that they will no longer require sedation as they mature.
4. I believe that most treatment for young children should be completed in less than 2-3 visits,. If sedation is required, I will use various combinations of medication to ensure that your child is safely sedated in order that the work can be completed in a timely fashion.